Monday, 20 February 2017

Men’s Jewish Rings Are Abundant

I don’t think it is hard to find a variety of Jewish wedding rings or Hebrew rings on the market. It is well known that the varieties available are abundant. However, many fear that the options available are only for women, while the men are left with but a small amount of styles to choose from. I would like to hereby proclaim that that is a myth. The number of styles and ring types available for men are astounding. Perhaps those who disagree are just not looking in the right places. There are at least as many men’s Jewish rings options as there are for women. Below are a few examples of types of men’s Jewish rings:
Men’s Jewish Rings Are Abundant
Men’s Hebrew wedding bands. Every type of Hebrew wedding band that is available for women is available for men, too. There are plenty of wide, clunky styles that are more suitable for men, as well as the more sleek classic look, which some men go for, as well. The popular inscription “AniLedodiVedodi Li (I am to my beloved as my beloved is to me) is available on all the styles, as well as some other inscriptions such as “V’erasteech Li L’Olam” (and I will betroth you to me forever).
Hebrew rings for men that are not wedding related – these include rings with Hebrew inscriptions that do not pertain to marriage. For example, “Gam ZeYa’avor” (this too shall pass), or “Am Yisrael Chai” (the nation of Israel lives on).

Jerusalem themed rings 

– this is a type of men’s Jewish rings that is quite popular. The Lion of Judah symbol on a nice, heavy ring is quite a masculine look. There are alsokotel rings of all shapes and sizes. And rings that have the Jerusalem skyline depicted on them. All very worthwhile options for men’s Jewish rings.

Hebrew name rings

– anyone, no matter their gender, can have their Hebrew name inscribed on a ring. Men and women, boys and girls, all love this popular Jewish ring option. Go for it!

Choshen rings

– Choshen or Hoshen rings tend to be signet ring style with the Choshen design on top. That is a manly look, as well. The Choshen was the breastplate worn by the High Priest in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. There were twelve precious stones on the Choshen, each of a different color. These twelve stones are found on our Choshen rings, as well.

Eilat stone rings

– the Eilat stone is the national stone of Israel. The deep blue and bright green hues, often times marbleized into each other, create a marvelous jewel. There are many styles of rings that contain an Eilat stone. Thus, this is another great option for men’s Jewish rings.

Ancient coin rings

– it is popular amongst men, more so than women, to be collectors of ancient coins and the like. We hereby present to you the option of obtaining a ring in which an ancient coin is embedded. If you like history, and ancient coins in particular, this men’s Jewish rings option is definitely for you.
So you all you men out there who think there are not enough options for you, take a look through this list again. I think you might just change your mind.

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