Monday, 12 December 2016

Great Aunt Molly’s Wedding Ring

One day, a young woman came in to our store looking frantic. She literally blew right in, as it was a cold and windy day, and she started talking fast. “My name is Jennifer”, she said, “and I must get a 14k gold Hebrew wedding band today! Can I choose something, and you’ll have it ready for me later today? And do you have Hebrew rings? I need an I am my beloved ring!” Of course we told her yes, that she should choose something from our vast collection of 14k gold Hebrew wedding bands, and we will have it ready today. But we were also eager to hear what all the drive and urgency was about.
14k gold Hebrew wedding band
We didn’t have to wait long. Jennifer launched right in to her explanation. It turns out she had become engaged a few months back, and last week, on the spur of the moment, she and her fiancé decided to take a quick trip to Israel. “Y’know, to do some touring, and then rush back to the stresses of life,” Jennifer explained. They planned to stay for just one week.
This morning, on the last day of her visit, Jennifer contacted her parents whom she had not spoken with in a while. When she mentioned that she was in Israel with her fiancé, her mom could not believe her ears. “You are in Israel?” her mom exclaimed. “That is the land that your Great Aunt Molly always dreamed of visiting.”
Jennifer had a strong affection towards her Great Aunt Molly. Jennifer did not know that Great Aunt Molly always dreamed of visiting Israel, but she did know that now, in her old age, she would never be able to go. “Mom, since I am in Israel, and Great Aunt Molly will probably never get to come, what can I do while I’m here that will make a difference to her?” asked Jennifer.
Jennifer’s mom thought for a moment. “She does have a collection of Hebrew rings that she is proud of. You can buy her another one to add to her collection. But I have another idea that will mean even more to her.” “What is it?” asked Jennifer. “You know Great Aunt Molly never got married or had children of her own”, said Jennifer’s mom. “And she is fond of Hebrew rings. It would have been her dream to have an I am my beloved ring for her wedding, and to see her children do the same. But she did not have a wedding, and she did not have children. You know how much she loves you, Jennifer, like a daughter. If you get an I am my beloved ring for yourself, instead of the wedding ring you had in mind, I think it will mean the world to Great Aunt Molly.”
“So that is why I need an I am my beloved ring immediately, as my plane leaves tonight!!”
Jenniferchose her 14k gold Hebrew wedding band, came back later to pick it up, and the rest, they say, is history.

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